Carework Network Awards
2025 Call for Nominations
1) The Carework Network’s Founders’ Award
The Carework Network is a twenty-five-year-old global and multidisciplinary organization of researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and advocates committed to cutting-edge research and policy work addressing paid and unpaid care. The Carework Network Founders (listed here) established this group through a series of meetings beginning in 1999. Their tireless commitment to the study of care as a significant issue and area of study led to the global organization
we have today. This award honors a member who embodies the founders’ vision in establishing, developing, and expanding the Carework Network.
Eligibility Criteria: This award honors members who have demonstrated a significant commitment to the Carework Network by embodying the ideals of the group’s founders. Nominees will have made substantial contributions to the Carework Network, including extensive labor, that can be over many years or more recent engagement. They will have contributed significant work as a leader, organizer, and participant, nurturing scholarship through collective dialogue and mentorship with other care work scholars. They will have also served as visionaries, developing Carework Network innovations and new initiatives.
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2) The Carework Network’s Public Engagement Award
The Carework Network is an international organization of scholars and advocates who focus on the caring work of individuals, families, communities, paid and unpaid caregivers, social service agencies and state bureaucracies.In this opportunity, we would like to call for nominations for our “Carework Network’s Public
Engagement Award.” This award will recognize contributions that provide a bridge between scholars, policymakers, stakeholders, and the broader public about carework.
Eligibility Criteria: Eligible work includes but is not limited to articles in the popular press and news outlets, works of art, websites, and podcasts. Nominees can belong to any occupation: writers, scholars, artists, and activists are all eligible. The primary criteria are that the nominee’s work should include the goals of
accessible and innovative contributions to studying, understanding, or communicating about care.
Learn More and Submit a Nomination
Visionary Care Studies

Ling Ng Yu Ling from the University of Victoria, Canada, won the Visionary Care Studies Award for her paper Choosing Whom to Care For: Children vs. Elderly, published in the Journal of Aging and Social Change 2023 Vol. 13, Issue 1.
The Public Engagement Award

From its very beginnings, the network’s founders were determined that it would not just be a place for academics but for people engaged in policy, advocacy, and community-based work. To honor that mission, the Public Engagement Award recognizes contributions that engage with the broader public and that bridge carework conversations between scholars, policymakers, and stakeholders.
It gives us great pleasure to celebrate two co-winners for the 2023 Public Engagement Award.
El Colectivo 506, a bilingual media outlet that empowers and connects voices in Costa Rica, published “Las Titas”, an edition that makes visible the contribution of older adults in the work of caring for children and other older adults. Please join us in congratulating El Colectivo 506’s cofounders Katherine Stanley Obando and Mónica Quesada Cordero as they celebrate this honor with the @elcolectivo506 team!
The Shape of Care Podcast, is a podcast that focuses each episode on stories from and about care workers and the people they care for, and links these experiences with salient work from academics, policymakers, labor activists, policymakers, and leaders of social welfare programs. Please join us in congratulating @Mindy_Fried, the podcast creator and host, as she celebrates with @theshapeofcare team!
We also awarded an Honorable Mention to The Care Lab, a space within the Whitworth Collection’s Care Centre. The Care Lab promotes the idea that “the care we give and receive is improved if we attend to its art-like qualities, and that art making is improved when care is central to its ethos.” Please join us in congratulating the entire CARE Aesthetics Research Exploration Project (AHRC) team at the University of Manchester @CareAesths!
The Care in Action Award
The Network’s Third Global Summit would never have gotten off the ground without the efforts of the local organizing committee and the support of the larger community of San José. The Network wanted to show our appreciation by honoring a local organization that embodies the Carework Network’s commitment to supporting the self-determination of careworkers, whether through advocacy, organizing, or mutual aid activities.
This year we awarded the first Care in Action Award to the Asociación de Trabajadoras Domésticas de Costa Rica (ASTRADOMES). Astradomes is a grassroots organization that fights for the rights and visibility of domestic workers. Please join us in congratulating @astradomes!

The Founders Award

We are thrilled to announce that Mignon Duffy is the inaugural Carework Network Founders’ Award recipient. The Founders’ Award recognizes someone who embodies the founders’ efforts to establish the Network. To quote two Steering Committee members, “Mignon’s vision has always been expansive and inclusive;” she “is an extremely gifted leader who inspires others with her passion and tireless commitment to the Network.” We also want to highlight her instrumental role in developing Carework Network innovations, like establishing a stand-alone Summit and the Carework Network Responds Website. Please join us in congratulating Mignon Duffy!