2023 San José, Costa Rica

The Carework Network organized a bilingual (Spanish and English) three-day conference and brought together carework researchers, scholars, and stakeholders from across the globe. More than 250 people attended the Third Global Carework Summit, a substantial increase from previous Summits. Our participants came from 32 countries and represented various interest groups, including academics, activists, and policymakers. Over three days, we held three keynote events, 35 sessions of presentations, two lunchtime conversations with book authors, and many opportunities to network and share ideas. Our theme, “Carework in uncertain times: convergences and divergences around the world,” represents our focus on uncertainty along multiple intersecting dimensions: social, economic, political, and ecological. This uncertainty has long been evident in Latin America and other regions in the global south. 

2019 Toronto, Canada

Scholars and advocates working on issues related to elder care, child care, health care, social work, education, political theory of care, social reproduction, work/family, disability studies, careworker health and safety, and related issues are encouraged to submit proposals. The Carework Network is an international organization of scholars and advocates who focus on the caring work of individuals, families, communities, paid caregivers, social service agencies and state bureaucracies. Care needs are shifting globally with changing demographics, disability movements, and climate change driven environmental crises. Our mission is to address critical issues related to carework, such as how identities influence carework; how inequality structures carework; how caring work is recognized and compensated; how state policies influence the distribution of care; working conditions of care; and whether and to what extent citizens have a right to receive, and a right to provide, care. 

2017 Lowell, Massachusetts, USA

The Carework Network is organizing a three-day conference to bring together carework researchers from across disciplines and across the globe. In conjunction with the conference, we are guest editing a special issue of the journal New Solutions devoted entirely to Carework.
The Carework Network welcomes submissions from all academic disciplines, advocacy and non-profit organizations, and public and private sector organizations. We also encourage participation by undergraduate and graduate students. We invite proposals for papers, fully-constituted panels, or workshops.