Professor of Sociology

University of Toronto

Cynthia J. Cranford is Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto. Her research analyzes inequalities of gender, labor and migration, and collective efforts to resist them, using qualitative case studies of care work. Her most recent research compares the social organization of public-funded home care provided to aging and disabled people in Toronto and Los Angeles. She is currently studying the growth of private-paid home care in Toronto, comparing cross-racial and co-ethnic markets. Cynthia is a public sociologist, with a commitment to connecting research to social justice and to building bridges across academia and advocacy. She joined the Carework Network Steering Committee in 2017, helped organize the Second Global Summit in Toronto in 2019 and has been Co-chair of the Network since 2021.

Select Publications:

Cranford, Cynthia. 2020. Home Care Fault Lines: Understanding Tensions and Creating Alliances. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Chun, Jennifer, Cynthia Cranford, Yangsook Kim and Jennifer Nazareno. 2023. “Confronting Servitude: Asian Immigrant Women Workers in State-Funded Homecare.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 49 (1) Autumn

Nazareno, Jennifer, Cynthia Cranford, Lolita Lledo, Valerie Damasco and Patricia Roach. 2022. “Between Women of Color: The New Social Organization of Reproductive Labor.” Gender and Society 36(3): 342-367.