PhD candidate, Sociology

University of Toronto

Patricia Roach is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Toronto. She uses qualitative case studies to interrogate both the constraints experienced by home care workers and various forms of resistance that challenge these constraints. Her mixed-method dissertation project focuses on the role of organized labor in political claims-making with and for state-funded houseworkers in Ontario, Canada. As part of the larger project, she is currently working with historical/archival data to trace the construction of state-funded “homemakers” to understand the invisibilization of this category of worker in political claims-making in the Ontario context. She participated in the Second Global Summit in Toronto, Canada, the Third Global Summit in San Jose, Costa Rica, and joined the Carework Network Steering Committee in 2023. 

Select Publications:

Nazareno, Jennifer, Cynthia Cranford, Lolita Lledo, Valerie Damasco and Patricia Roach. 2022. “Between Women of Color: The New Social Organization of Reproductive Labor.” Gender and Society 36(3): 342-367.