Visiting Fellow

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Gabriela Marzonetto earned a Ph.D. in political science in comparative politics on social policies from the National University of San Martín (Argentina), where her dissertation won the Social Institute of Mercosur award for Best Dissertation on Social Policies (2019). She also holds an MA in development management and policy from Georgetown University and the National University of San Martín. She was a postdoctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research at the National University of Cuyo (2020-2023) and a visiting fellow at the University of Notre Dame (2023-2024).

Gabriela specializes in the politics of childcare policies in Latin America, analyzing the effects and the political determinants of childcare policy and its outcomes. The scope of policies she has addressed range from parental leave, Early Childhood Education and Care Services and family allowances in South and Central America.

She joined the Carework Network in 2020 and has participated on the steering committee since August 2020. For the Carework Network Summit 2023 in Costa Rica, she was co-chair of the Keynote events subcommittee and, therefore, part of the Organizing Committee. In 2023, she was co-chair of the Virtual Events subcommittee and has been co-chair of the Carework Network since 2024.

Select Publications:

Marzonetto, G. (Forthcoming) Childcare policies in Latin America in the 21st century. The persistence of selectivity and maternalism in care services expansion. In Research Handbook on Care Social Policy. Editado por Costanzo Ranci and Tine Rostgaard. Edward Elgar Publishing. On press

de Santibañes M., Marzonetto G. (2023). “Argentina: Gendered Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown and the Transformation in Well-Being.” In: Twamley C., Iqbal Q., Faircloth Ch. (Eds.) Family in the Time of Covid, International perspectives, UCL Press.

Marzonetto, G., Martinez Franzoni, J. (2022) Latin America Leave Policy: Expansion, plateau and the need for unconventional instruments. In: Dobrotić, I., Blum, S., Koslowski, A. (Eds.) Research Handbook on Leave Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing