Naomi Lightman is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her areas of research expertise include care work, migration, gender, social policy, and quantitative research methodology. To date, her academic work has been published in journals including European Sociological Review, Gender & Society, Social Politics, Journal of European Social Policy, and International Migration Review. She joined the Carework Network in 2019 and has been the co-chair of the events committee in 2021 and 2023. You can follow her on Twitter @naomilightman
Select Publications:
Lightman, N. (2023). “Converging Economies of Care? Immigrant Women Workers Across 17 Countries and Four Care Regimes.” Journal of Industrial Relations.
Lightman, N. (2022). “Caring During the COVID-19 Crisis: Intersectional Exclusion of Immigrant Women Health Care Aides in Canadian Long-Term Care.” Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(4), pp. e1343-e1351.
Lightman, N., and Kevins, A. (2021). “’Women’s Work’: Welfare State Spending and the Gendered and Classed Dynamics of Unpaid Care”. Gender & Society, 35(5), 778-05.