Professor of Geography

University of Washington

Kim England (she/her) is Professor of Geography and emerita Harry Bridges Endowed Chair of Labor Studies, University of Washington. Her current research explores workplace rights, the migration of care workers, and domestic workers’ activism across the US. More broadly, her research investigates various aspects of the globalization of care work and the experience of care workers, and the ways these knit together the restructuring of care provision at the federal, state/provincial and local government levels with international migration and the home as a workplace. Kim’s research and advocacy involves collaborations with worker-led community groups as well working with local and state level officials. She joined the Carework Network Steering Committee in 2019, and was part of the organizing team for the Third Global Summit in Costa Rica in 2023.

Select Publications:

Samantha Thompson and Kim England (2024) “Care geographies: Work, home and bodies,” in Ishan Ashutosh and Jamie Winders (eds.) Ishan Ashutosh and Jamie Winders (eds.) Wiley Blackwell Companion to Cultural and Social Geography.

Kim England, Isabel Dyck, Iliana Ortega-Alcázar, and Menah Raven-Ellison (2020) “Health, well-being, and migration,” in Anindita Datta, Peter Hopkins, Lynda Johnston, Elizabeth Olson, and Joseli Maria Silva (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies.

Kim England and Caitlin Alcorn (2018) “Growing care gaps, shrinking state? Home care workers and the Fair Labor Standards Act.” The Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society, 11(3):443-457.