Cindy L. Cain is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She specializes in qualitative and mixed methods research on the organization of care for older adults, especially as they approach the end of life. She is currently writing a book on burnout and the meaningfulness of healthcare work. Cindy’s research aims to find ways to align the quality of care for care recipients with the quality of work for workers. She has been a member of the Carework Network Steering Committee since 2019 and served as Co-chair from 2021-2024.
Select Publications:
Cain, Cindy L. 2019. “Agency and Change in Healthcare Organizations: Workers’ Attempts to Navigate Multiple Logics in Hospice Care.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior: 60(1):3-17.
Cain, Cindy L. 2020. “Quelling Moral Panics? The Case of Physician Aid in Dying in California.” Poetics 82:1.
Cain, Cindy L., Caty Taborda and Monica Frazer. 2021. “Creating “Risky” New Roles in Healthcare: Identities, Boundary-Making, and Skilling under Rationalization and Consumer Demand.” Work and Occupations 48(3):353-85.