Mariana Brocca
CONICET Doctoral Fellow
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Mariana Brocca is a PhD candidate in Law at the University of Buenos Aires under a National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) grant. She also holds an LL.M. in International Human Rights Law (University of Notre Dame -Fulbright scholarship) and a Master’s in Legal Feminisms (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). She is a professor at the Law School of the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), where she obtained her undergraduate degree.
Her doctoral research focuses on care policies at the subnational level from a gender and human rights approach. Thus, she seeks to identify how the different actors in the care diamond articulate in medium-sized localities based on the contributions of studies on public policies, social rights, and their interaction with legal geography. In doing so, she seeks to identify the persistence of obstacles to women’s access, permanence, and promotion in the labor market. Mariana joined the Carework Network Steering Committee in August 2024.
Publicaciones seleccionadas:
Brocca, Mariana (2024) “El derecho humano al cuidado. Fundamentos y autonomía en clave latinoamericana”. En coautoría con Laura Pautassi. En: Anuario de Derecho Público.Universidad Diego Portales
Brocca, Mariana (forthcoming) “El derecho humano al cuidado en el Sistema Interamericano: aportes para su justiciabilidad directa a la luz del artículo 26 de la CADH”. En: “Os sistemas europeu e interamericano de proteção de direitos humanos: uma leitura comparada”. Editores: Andrés Rousset Siri y Susana Almeida. Madrid.
Brocca, Mariana, & Ormar, Camila. (2021). Mujeres, protestas sociales y represión estatal en Argentina, Chile y México. Anuario De Derechos Humanos, 17(1), 43–56.