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Professor of Sociology

University of Costa Rica

Juliana Martínez Franzoni is a full professor at the University of Costa Rica and Georg Foster Awardee from the Humboldt Foundation for outstanding research careers in developing countries. Her research provides a comprehensive view of the welfare state – including the role of families – and of care regimes in Latin America. Her most recent work investigates the political economy of social policy changes, including care policies in Central America and public opinion toward cash transfers across Latin America. She provides technical advice to international agencies, and national and regional civil society organizations and co-edits the feminist journal Social Politics. She participated as a keynote speaker at the Second Global Summit in Toronto in 2019 and co-chair the Third Global Summit in Costa Rica in 2023. 

Select Publications:

Arza, Camila, Rossana Castiglioni, Juliana Martínez Franzoni, Sara Niedzwiecki, Jennifer Pribble and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea.  2022.  The political economy of segmented expansion: Latin American social policy in the 2000s.  Elements Society and Politics in Latin America Series, Cambridge University Press.

Martínez Franzoni, Juliana (2021) “Understanding the state regulation of fatherhood in Latin America: Complementary versus co-responsible” in Journal of Latin American Studies. vol. 53(3), 521-545.

Martínez Franzoni, Juliana and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea (2018) Overcoming segmentation in Social Policy? Comparing New Early Education and Child Care Efforts in Costa Rica and Uruguay”. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 

See here for other publications